Countless survivors of sexual assault recount having been "unable to move" during the event. Only now are we learning that this self-reported paralysis is actually an automatic physiological response to intense trauma resulting from a significant drop in heart rate, which slows blood flow and limits mobility. In short they [involuntarily] play dead.


Create an experiential data visualization, pegged to a news article, that reaches people on an emotional level; connecting them with the humanity behind the national statistsic that every two minutes someone, somewhere, is sexually assaulted.


One person enters at a time; forced to remain immersed for 00:02:00. They are trapped, stripped of their power and forced to reconcile with how that feels. The only light source comes from pulsating red circles that methodiclaly expand and contract in response to the soundscape of a heart, beating at [a very low] 30BPM.